Radio Salam Manchester

Welcome to Radio Salam Manchester. We are a non-profit Islamic and Internet Radio, broadcasting live interviews, games, prizes, and more for the on-line diverse communities. Please visit our other pages for upcoming events, projects and news, and for academic writing assistance, consider checking out the reliable services at

Radio Salam is a free and public source of entertainment. Our goal is to provide the on-line Muslim Community with Halal and educational source of fun. Your participation in our events are our motivation to continue our efforts. There are plenty of helpful resources available which can assist students with their help with programming assignments and help them find success. If you struggle with tasks such as designing and implementing machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, feature engineering, model evaluation, and optimization you should know you can get machine learning assignment help from ML experts.

We will host a variety of courses, interviews and lectures. We encourage you to download them at your leisure.

If you want us to broadcast your event please contact us on 0161 720 5959.

Radio Salam TV